{Pregnancy halfway mark #20weeks}

I was sitting at my desk at work today and suddenly felt a funny fluttering feeling in my stomach.
At first I thought it was maybe just indigestion but it kept happening and felt different than anything I'd ever felt before!
I then realized it was the baby kicking me!
I put my hands over my lower belly and actually felt fluttering in there!
It was the most amazing thing!
All that pregnancy sickness I had for the first 16 weeks was worth it for this moment... and the moments to come.
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At 20 weeks, I am officially halfway through my pregnancy!
Baby boy is around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel - the length of a banana - growing so fast!
I'm feeling much better these days.
On Saturday I was able to help my husband do some yard work and we even went on a bike ride around the neighborhood - don't worry; we took the quiet roads and kept a safe slow pace!
I'm craving LOTS of cold, fresh fruit these days - in particular watermelon.
To keep healthy and active I've been walking about an hour a day.
My belly is growing much faster each week and I'm finding that I am much more comfortable in maxi dresses on these warm spring days.
{We are expecting 80 degree weather this week - wohoo!}
Baby, we love you so much already!
We are counting the days until we get to see you!
Keep on kicking and being active - daddy's excited to start playing all kinds of sports with you!

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