
Thursday, September 13, 2012

How do people make it through life without a sister?

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This is a question I've been thinking about a lot this week.
Tomorrow is my sweet sister Stephanie's 22nd birthday. I can't tell you enough how much I adore her. She is without a doubt the best friend I have ever had. I have other friends who I love but nothing surpasses the love and friendship of a sister.
We have a unique bond and often joke that we should have been born twins, even though we are 5 years apart.

Tonight we are celebrating a day early by having a girls night out and trying a new restaurant and dessert place. Then we leave tomorrow to go camping for the weekend! I'm really looking forward to spending these next few days with her!
A very Happy Birthday to you Stephanie! Thank you for being my dearest friend. You are so beautiful, inside & out. Continue to be you like only you can

PS: HAVE YOU ENTERED MY GIVEAWAY YET?! If not be sure you enter HERE! Who doesn't want to win some cute new jewelry?!


  1. Nothing like a sister you are right. I am very close to my sister too and we are 8 years apart. Have nice camping trip.

  2. so cute! I only have brothers...and I've always wanted a sister!

  3. Yes, sisters are the best! Have a great trip :)

  4. Sisters are the best. I SO wish mine were closer.

  5. Happy Birthday to your sister! I hope you have a great time together :)

  6. What?? she's 22? I follow you both on instagram and always thought she was around 16 years old.. I know how it is to have a sisterly bind... I have three of my own and it's so amazing how close we got as we all started growing up. Before it would be very different because of the age differences but now it' like we are all one age! Have a fun weekend!

  7. awww boo this is why I always wanted a sister!! :-)

  8. These are darling that you and your sister are so close :)

    <3 Cambria

  9. Aww...cute post. I didn't get along with my sister growing up but now we have a blog together! haha... I'm so thankful for her!

  10. Awww! Thats sweet! I have a younger sister and we have such a wonderful bond! I cant imagine my life without her.

  11. Gosh how a like you both are is amazing, you most certainly should have been twins.

    X x

  12. Awww absolutely beautiful ladies! :) I'm best friends with my sister too, love how we can look at each other and know exactly what the other is thinking! Hope you both had a wonderful few days! :) xx
