
Monday, November 26, 2012

It was a very happy Thanksgiving

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So much joy.
So much to be thankful for.
Family. friends. my savior, Jesus. our ~home~. health. peace. the city I live in. freedom. our jobs. Norman. food on the table. my beloved husband. marriage. sunshine. beautiful creation. clean air & water. {love}. technology...
and so much more.

This year my husband and I hosted Thanksgiving at our house... it was a blast!
{A HUGE thank you to my sister in-law Jenn for all the amazing table decor! Checkout her blog here.}

I am so so so blessed.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
This gang sure did!

(See pictures of our big family Thanksgiving last year here.)


  1. Seriously Soooooo fun!! Thank you for opening your home to us!!

  2. Did you guys rent a table? That table is huge! It must have been so nice to have everyone at the same table. We always end up with extra folding tables all over the dining room to fit the whole family! I love the decor :)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving :) Beautiful table settings!

  4. WOW, huge crowd!! Your place looks just beautiful, and cool table decor! =)

  5. Your house is so cute! Looks like a great party!
    Jeans and a Teacup

  6. your sister in law did a great job decorating your table and all the food looks yummy

  7. WOW what an amazing job at all the details. Your house looks lovely! Hosting can be so much fun! Good thing you got help because hosting thanksgiving can also be stressful :-)

  8. These photos are so lovely! You did an absolutely beautiful job! Nice hosting skills lady! :)
